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Flugsimulator Mediathek

Faszinierende Photos & spannende Videos: Steigen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt von ProFlight. Machen Sie sich einen genauen und exklusiven Eindruck davon, wie es ist, Simulatorpilotin oder Pilot auf einem Flug in einem Full Flight Simulator zu sein. Im Folgenden finden Sie Bilder und Videos zu den Flugsimulatoren in die Kategorien „Full Flight Simulator“, „im Cockpit“, und „Briefing“. Viel Spaß!

The original quality and system depth of the full flight simulators is unmatched.
A classic: The Boeing 737 Classic as a full flight simulator
Landing approach by ProFlight customers in the Airbus A380, the cockpit is illuminated and many instruments are visible.
Throttle lever in the Airbus A380 of Lufthansa Aviation Training
Check phase during flight over simulated mountains

Die perfekte Illusion

Full Flight Simulatoren

Instruments of the Airbus A380 in the cockpit
Head-up display of the Airbus A220 in front of cockpit instruments and the projected runway.

Be a Pilot for a Day:

Im Cockpit

Pilot instruction in the cockpit Approach to Hong Kong in the flight simulator An Airbus A320 cockpit in the ProFlight portfolio
B777 Cockpit Full Flight Simulator
An Airbus A320 cockpit in the ProFlight portfolio
The state-of-the-art cockpit of the Airbus A220
Instrument familiarisation on the mock-up Briefing using original aviation charts

Was wird vermittelt?

Das Briefing